Have you done your Good Deed for the day?
HAVE YOU JOINED THE LIGHTNING LEGION YET?It is as easy as downloading the FREE membership card. You will need Adode Acrobat to view and print your new membership card.
Here is the preview image of Captain Spectre's battle suit
as promised on the front page. The full suited up Captain is coming up soon
in the strip, so stay tuned Legionnaires for all the excitment.
Have you memorized the Lightning Legion Code of Conduct?
The Conduct Code of the Lightning
I, as a member of the Lightning Legion, swear to:
-Protect the Citizens, Laws, Symbols, and Property
of the United States of America.
-Work with other Legionnaires for a Free, Strong,
and Better tomorrow.
-Treat all Legionnaires, and citizens, as you would
want to be treated.
-Never dishonor your word, or yourself.
-Never reveal the secrets of the Lightning Legion,
or any of it's members, to citizens.
-Strike Evil, Crime and Injustice with Force, Courage,
and Knowledge....like lightning.